Barcelona could leave La Liga

‘Barcelona could leave La Liga’

Catalonians and riot police clashed over the weekend as voters attempted to take part in a banned referendum to decide the region's fate, with Barca joining the protest after playing their clash against Las Palmas behind closed doors.

And while Catalonia’s independence is not yet guaranteed, a meeting of the Barcelona board was still held as they look ahead to a potential departure from Spain’s Primera Liga.

"In the case of independence, the club and the members would have to decide in which league we would play," Bartomeu told reporters.

"We are going through difficult and complicated moments and with respect to what could happen in the future we will take it on with calm and wisdom."

Catalan sports minister Gerard Figueras last week said: "In the case of independence, Catalan teams in La Liga - Barcelona, Espanyol and Girona - will have to decide where they want to play: in the Spanish league or a neighbouring country like Italy, France or the (English) Premier League.”


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